Countess DeJuggula, in all Her Tits and Assedy Goodness.
Countess DeJuggula, in all Her Tits and Assedy Goodness.
So.. do the hormones from the blood affect Countess DeJuggula? o_O I changed the font for the vampires, yeah they’re still kind of spooky, but they’re also kind of formal. Undead with protocol.
Comic Dialogue
(If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)
Skellie #19: “Hey, the dungeon spawning hasn’t got anything to do with the skellies, EVERYTHING was spawning wrong!”
Skellie with Binoculars: “Yeah, our dungeon’s all fucked up, someone should call the repair guy!”
Batimus Whorsythe: “Apparently, reports have been coming in that the castle is closed. ”
Countess DeJuggula: “Which is why Queen Syphalust sent us to investigate.”
Skellie #19: “Hellooooo, Countess DeJuggula! And might I say you’re looking tits and assedy as always…”
Countess DeJuggula: “Why thank you, Skellie. I just filled up on a hormone rampaging teenager and they always go straight to my boobs and thighs”
Skellie with Binoculars: “Yeah, it’ll be nice to have some flesh in the castle with Lady Gothchilde gone…”